Published by L'Officiel St Barth
Edition N°7 - Winter 2021 - Summer 2022 (Page 126)



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"Would humans exist without heart? They roll under our feet, our eyes catch a shape coming from the sea, we grab it delicately and discover that it's a heart shape. It is symbolic of a love achievement, of sharing smiles and love, of happy times. I am helping nature call on us, make us pay attention to the value of sharing which itself encapsulates a string of symbols" - Roger Moreau


Roger Moreau is part of St Barth's identity with his Coeur St Barth, where he sculpts hearts out of dead corals, and then molds then into bronze sculptures. Bronze is elegant, timeless and resistant to corrosion. The nobility of the material corresponds to the stone.

Coeur St Barth - Roger Moreau



Artist Roger Moreau at Space Gallery St Barth 


To find out more about available pieces by the artist, contact Space Gallery St Barth



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