Published by ArtsLife
08 April 2022
Written by Fabio Tallone


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Giuseppe Veneziano Pop Fiction, 2021, Acrylic painting on canvas (100 x 125 cm / 39.37 x 49.21 in)

Space Gallery St Barth presents an exhibition of works by Giuseppe Veneziano. The exhibition includes his works in watercolor, paintings and two new exclusive NFTs. Alter Ego represents not only Veneziano's debut in New York, but also his artistic debut in the United States. From 7 to 24 April 2022.


In particular, the latest body of work is an ironic, often shocking commentary on controversial issues such as global politics, world religions, sex and the role of technology in the modern world. In assuming the role of provocateur, Veneziano both literally and figuratively inverts familiar narratives from pop culture, art history and social media. The intent is to deconstruct the emotional, sometimes irrational, relationship between reality and expectations.


My ambition is to tell contemporary stories, but with a nod to the past and the history of art, this serves as a stimulus for new stories to tell and to confront myself with the present and the past”.


The artist uses painting as a tool to reinvent the world. To do this, he draws on a common vocabulary of images and topoi to overturn them or place them in inconvenient situations. If on the one hand the public can be shocked, on the other it is stimulated to imagine our reality in an alternative way.


In this regard, Veneziano comments: “During my childhood, I created in my head fantastic worlds populated by characters who somehow fed my imaginary world. Comic book superheroes, Disney characters and Japanese anime are the ones I'm most romantically attached to."


Now the artist takes these figures and alters their context and purpose, provoking and inviting reflection at the same time. Examples are the mugshot of Jesus Christ, the image of the Madonna cradling baby Hitler and the head of Ronald McDonald replaced with that of Mao Zedong. Veneziano forces us to rethink our understanding of these figures. An understanding that has often been provided to us. Now the artist would like to stimulate independent thinking in the audience.

Giuseppe Veneziano Lockdown, 2020 Watercolor and graphite on paper (8.94 x 11.93 in / 22.70 x 30.30 cm)

Giuseppe Veneziano Forbidden Colours, 2018 Acrylic on canvas (19.69 x 19.69 in / 50 x 50 cm)

Giuseppe Veneziano Selfica, 2021 Acrylic on canvas
(47.24 x 39.37 in / 120 x 100 cm)

Giuseppe Veneziano | ALTER EGO
Space Gallery St Barth, 428 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
Dates: April 7 – April 24, 2022



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