Published by St-Barth Weekly - Local News in English
Edition N°486 - December 28, 2023 (Page 9)



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Space Gallery St Barth is thrilled to add three iconic artists to this year's ongoing Winter Exhibition, incorporating new works by Turi Simeti, Takis with his 3D kinetic magnetic wall pieces, and Tony Cragg with his emblematic sculptures. 


Turi Simeti

Simeti is considered a true pioneer of 20th and 21st century Italian art. He was one of the 30 or so artists alongside Lucio Fontana – who broke new ground in the 1950s with his Concetti spaziali (spatial concepts) - turning away from traditional painting and conventional materials and conquering space and light with their art. Simeti's work consists of dynamic patterns of ovals that dance across the monochromatic surfaces of shaped canvases. Space Gallery has several exquisite works from this series on view. 

Magnetic Wall piece by Takis

Additionally, discover artwork by Takis, the Greek artist who harnessed magnetic energy not only to create sculptures but also “Magnetic Walls.” Several pieces are exclusively on view this winter, which showcase his signature technique of shapes, magnetically "drawn" onto canvas, thus combining science and technology with natural phenomena and ancient art. A fascinating artist to discover and collect.

Tony Cragg Early Form, 1996, (Edition of 3) Bronze (23.62 x 23.62 x 23.62 in / 60 x 60 x 60 cm)

Plus the gallery presents new bronze sculpture by iconic British artist Tony Cragg, considered one of the world’s foremost sculptors. His work is inspired by the macro and micro structures found in nature and build up the most complicated of organic forms from cellular level and recall natural geological forms, such as the sedimentation of mineral particles or suggest abstracted faces or heads. 


Stop by to discover these artists and more. This show is not to be missed!

The gallery hosts Art and Champagne to be enjoyed nightly 

on December 28th, 29th and 30th from 5pm-7:30pm.

Space Gallery is open nonstop this Holiday Season. Mon-Sun from 9am-7:30pm

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Follow@spacegallerystbarth for more updates on news and upcoming events.



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