Published by L'Officiel St Barth
14 February 2018
Interview by Philippe Combres
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The artist Roger Moreau caresses the local stones in the form of a heart.
The St Barth Heart Stone (Le cœur de pierre de St Barth) by Roger Moreau
Philippe Combres: For who spent more than twenty years in the Caribbean, why do you still choose to live in Saint-Barth today?
Roger Moreau: It is a place full of color and tranquility where the mind can explore all the landscapes without being polluted by the modern world. It is an island of smiles, just like its shape, and courageous like its inhabitants. A place of creation where colors explode, contrasts captivate, enveloped in a sky and a sea which never cease to play with their beams.
Philippe Combres: What era does your artistic practice date from?
Roger Moreau: It was at the age of 14, an initiation into the world of art, which has never left me and which I have cultivated. The love of art, of all the arts, is a vector of awareness, of opening minds, it is one of the possible paths in our world and which contributes to happiness. I have always fueled it by what I consider to be luck, by drawings, paintings and personal exhibitions.
Philippe Combres: How did you come up with the idea of the hearts of stone?
Roger Moreau: How does one share what they love? Would a stone exist without it? It slides under our feet, our eyes settle on a shape from the sea, we gently pick it up, it is a heart. In this symbol, we find a romantic outcome, a sharing of smiles and love, of joys; I help nature to challenge us, to draw our attention to a shared value full of symbols.
Philippe Combres: Do you project large formats into nature?
Roger Moreau: The idea of sharing requires us to see bigger and higher; to have a heart in your landscape is to communicate a little happiness and joy. The Cœur Saint-Barth Association (The St Barth Heart Association) opens up these perspectives.
Philippe Combres: Where can we see your work?
Roger Moreau: In Gustavia, at the Space Gallery.
The artist Roger Moreau and his St Barth Heart Sculptures (Coeurs de St Barth).
To find out more about the artist's available pieces, contact Space Gallery St Barth