Event organized by Charles Moreau, le Collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy and le musée territorial du Wall House


Space Gallery St Barth is proud to have nine of their artists represented in this years' 3rd edition of the "Salon des Artistes de Saint Barthélemy" at the Wall House Territorial Museum (le Musée Territorial du Wall House), organized by Charles Moreau (Director of the Museum) and the Collectivité of Saint-Barthélemy.


This cultural initiative started in 2022 to highlight artworks by local artists or artists who are connected or inspired by the island of St Barth. The 3rd Edition of the "Salon des Artistes" exhibits more than 40 artists, 9 of which are artists represented by Space Gallery St Barth: Victor Matthews, Sophie-Alexia Joly de Lotbinière, Nicole Marques, Gabriella Imperatori-Penn, Roger Moreau,  Rémy de Haenen, Gilles Bensimon,  Isabelle Lindbergh and the Director of the Wall House museum who is also an artist himself, Charles Moreau.


During the exhibition, all are welcome to visit and vote on their favourite pieces. 


The three categories for selection are:

1. Best Plastic Arts (paintings / drawings); 

2. Photography Work 

3. and Sculpture.

Entrance to the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum 

When one begins the exhibition, one is greeted by the first of Space Gallery's artists, Victor Matthews and his Caribbean Conversation.

Victor Matthews Caribbean Conversation, 2021, Pigment painting on primed raw canvas (36 x 48 in / 91.44 x 121.92 cm)

American artist, Victor Matthews is frequently in St Barth and is famed for his beautiful murals and white painted raw canvas outlined in  black. His Utopian Series is an Ode to St Barth itself! As it's a well kept secret paradise, a hidden Utopia only accessible to some.


In this work entitled, Caribbean Conversation, Victor uses his typical island motifs of the coconut trees and the silhouettes of the Caribbean locals. A picturesque and lively piece that could spark up a great conversation in any room.


Victor would be a great choice for the Plastic Arts winning category.

An admiring observer seems to be having a conversation with  the figures in Victor Matthews' painting Caribbean Conversation, 2021, Pigment painting on primed raw canvas (36 x 48 in / 91.44 x 121.92 cm)

Victor Matthews Caribbean Conversation, 2021, Pigment painting on primed raw canvas (36 x 48 in / 91.44 x 121.92 cm)

Next up, between the blue paletted artworks connected to the Sea, Space Gallery's next artist, Nicole Marques, shyly presents her painting Moonlight Promenade (Flamands, St Barth), 2024

Nicole Marques Moonlight Promenade (Flamands, St Barth), 2024, Acrylic painting on canvas (23.62 x 28.74 in / 60 x 73 cm)

South African born Nicole Marques, premiered her work at this year's Les Salon des Artistes. As Love was the reason she landed up living in St Barth, she decided to commemorate it with this fond memory of herself,  her partner and their little dachshund Buddy, having a calm Moonlight Promenade at the Flamands Beach. The footprints in the sand symbolize how we each create our on paths in life, how life is so fleeting, but there is always room to create new steps and marks in our life journey. We need to just appreciate each moment while we can and go with the flow.


Nicole opens her heart for the Plastic Arts winning category.

Nicole Marques Moonlight Promenade (Flamands, St Barth), 2024, Acrylic painting on canvas (23.62 x 28.74 in / 60 x 73 cm)

Nicole Marques Moonlight Promenade (Flamands, St Barth), 2024, Acrylic painting on canvas (23.62 x 28.74 in / 60 x 73 cm)

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum with paintings by Nicole Marques and Sophie-Alexia Joly de Lotbinière

Sophie-Alexia Joly de Lotbinière Blue Horizon, 2020, Acrylic painting on canvas (40 x 30 in / 101.60 x 76.20 cm)

Sophie-Alexia Joly de Lotbinière, who is based in San Francisco, has a special connection with St Barth, as she participated in an artist residency on the island through Space Gallery St Barth.


Her paintings explore the materiality of painting itself by deliberately deconstructing the process through which the artist creates an artwork.


Blue Horizon, 2020 is from the "Together" series, which showcases a series of meditative colour field paintings interspersed with particle-like patterns produced by the impressions left behind by rice grains. 


Her artworks seek to present images that resonate with the principles of interdependence and the natural world as we have come to understand it through the study and language of quantum physics.



Sophie-Alexia is an intriguing option for the Plastic Arts winning category.

Sophie-Alexia Joly de Lotbinière Blue Horizon, 2020, Acrylic painting on canvas (40 x 30 in / 101.60 x 76.20 cm)

Sophie-Alexia Joly de Lotbinière Blue Horizon, 2020, Acrylic painting on canvas (40 x 30 in / 101.60 x 76.20 cm)

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum with paintings by Sophie-Alexia Joly de Lotbinière and Nicole Marques 

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum 

Charles Moreau Cowboy Cactus - Consolea Rubescens, 2020, Acrylic painting on canvas (38.58 x 23.03 in / 98 x 58.5 cm)

Charles Moreau is a French Realist painter who is considered as a local artist of St Barth, as him and his family have lived on island for many years. Moreau is not only a talented artist that Space Gallery St Barth proudly represents, he is also the Director of the Wall House Territorial Museum and its program. 


Representing paintings with particular life-size specimens, Moreau likes to look for the poetic fragment, the beauty of discarded or looked upon species, while trying to bring to view the better effects of globalization, the need to respect one another. Each work represents a unique specimen, found during walks around the island, at its real scale. Scientific Latin names help identify the subject and inform us about their place of origin. Because everything is here for a reason. Thus we proudly present Cowboy Cactcus - which in latin is the Consolea Rubescens species.


Charles invites all to come visit the Exhibition, to admire, observe and vote for their favourite pieces. May the best artist win!

Charles Moreau Cowboy Cactus - Consolea Rubescens, 2020, Acrylic painting on canvas (38.58 x 23.03 in / 98 x 58.5 cm)

Charles Moreau Cowboy Cactus - Consolea Rubescens, 2020, Acrylic painting on canvas (38.58 x 23.03 in / 98 x 58.5 cm)

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum with photography work by Gabriella Imperatori-Penn Island Mountain #2, 2017, Archival pigment print photograph on fineart paper (34 x 44 in / 86.36 x 111.76 cm)

Gabriella Imperatori-Penn Island Mountain #2, 2017, Archival pigment print photograph on fineart paper (34 x 44 in / 86.36 x 111.76 cm)

Gabriella Imperatori-Penn is a fine art photographer. She was always drawn to the quiet conversations of still life, which led to an extensive commercial and editorial career. Her work is both bold and feminine, marrying the descriptive and mysterious. Other travels both for commercial and personal reasons continually stimulate her photographic nature studies.


Gabriella's selected piece for this year's edition of the Salon des Artistes is a beautiful landscape taken right here on the island of St Barth. This photo of one of the island's many mountains, captures the typical flora with cactus, shrubs and some volcanic rocks. One can nearly smell and hear the rustler of nature's beauty that only who have been to St Barth can recall vividly. One is invited to explore the island's magnificence and ignite all one's senses.



Gabriella presents a harmonious and peaceful landscape for the Photography winning category.

Gabriella Imperatori-Penn Island Mountain #2, 2017, Archival pigment print photograph on fineart paper (34 x 44 in / 86.36 x 111.76 cm)

Gabriella Imperatori-Penn Island Mountain #2, 2017, Archival pigment print photograph on fineart paper (34 x 44 in / 86.36 x 111.76 cm)

Roger Moreau Ce coeur que haïssait la guerre (This heart that used to hate war), 2024. Sculpture (Concretion of coral stone mounted on metal base, barbed wire, and wood)

Roger Moreau has his heart in Saint Barth! His famous Coeur de St Barth sculptures are immediately recognisable, and can be spotted in breath taking sites around the Island. 


However, this specific piece in exhibition is very different to his past work. Due to current events with various different wars happening around the world, Roger Moreau was inspired by the poem by Robert Desnos, that describes how painfully his heart hates war. The French poet Robert Desnos, wrote these haunting poems right before his death from Typhus fever at the concentration camp. Roger Moreau tries to bring to our attention that we should learn from history to prevent it from repeating its atrocities again.


A desperate cry for world peace, in the sculpture category of the Salon des Artistes this year.

Version originale française :


« Ce cœur qui haïssait la guerre… »


Ce cœur qui haïssait la guerre voilà qu’il bat pour le combat et la bataille ! Ce cœur qui ne battait qu’au rythme des marées, à celui des saisons, à celui des heures du jour et de la nuit, Voilà qu’il se gonfle et qu’il envoie dans les veines un sang brûlant de salpêtre et de haine. Et qu’il mène un tel bruit dans la cervelle que les oreilles en sifflent, Et qu’il n’est pas possible que ce bruit ne se répande pas dans la ville et la campagne, Comme le son d’une cloche appelant à l’émeute et au combat. Écoutez, je l’entends qui me revient renvoyé par les échos. Mais non, c’est le bruit d’autres cœurs, de millions d’autres cœurs battant comme le mien à travers la France. Ils battent au même rythme pour la même besogne tous ces cœurs, Leur bruit est celui de la mer à l’assaut des falaises Et tout ce sang porte dans des millions de cervelles un même mot d’ordre : Révolte contre Hitler et mort à ses partisans ! Pourtant ce cœur haïssait la guerre et battait au rythme des saisons, Mais un seul mot : Liberté a suffi à réveiller les vieilles colères Et des millions de Français se préparent dans l’ombre à la besogne que l’aube proche leur imposera. Car ces cœurs qui haïssaient la guerre battaient pour la liberté au rythme même des saisons et des marées, du jour et de la nuit.

Robert Desnos, 1943 (paru dans L’Honneur des poètes

English translation of the French Poem:


This heart that used to hate war…


This heart that used to hate war is now beating for fighting and battle! This heart that used to beat to the rhythm of tides and seasons, to the hours of day and night, is now pumping furiously into the veins a blood that burns with salpetre and hatred. And it causes such a din in the brains that it makes the ears whistle and this noise can't possibly fail to spread across the city and the country, like the tone of a bell calling to insurrection and fighting. Listen, I hear it coming back to me, sent back by echoes. No, these are no echoes, but the sound of hearts, millions of other hearts beating like mine across France. They beat to the same rhythm, for the same task, all these hearts, their sound is that of the sea assaulting the cliffs. And all this blood carries into the brains a single motto: Revolt against Hitler and death to his supporters! And yet this heart used to hate war and beat to the rhythm of the seasons, but a single word: freedom was enough to wake the old angers, and millions of French people are getting ready in the shadows for the task that a dawn soon to come will force upon them. For these hearts that used to hate war were beating for freedom, to the very rhythm of seasons and tides, of day and night.

Robert Desnos, 1943 (published in The Honor of the Poets)

Detail of Roger Moreau Ce coeur que haïssait la guerre (This heart that hated war), 2024. Sculpture (Concretion of coral stone mounted on metal base, barbed wire, and wood)

Detail of Roger Moreau Ce coeur que haïssait la guerre (This heart that hated war), 2024. Sculpture (Concretion of coral stone mounted on metal base, barbed wire, and wood)

Rémy de Haenen Juliette de Martinique, 2022, Oil on canvas (39.37 x 39.37 in / 100 x 100 cm)

Rémy de Haenen carries his father's legendary legacy as the first pilot to land in St Barth, founder of Eden Rock and the first Mayor of St Barth. Rémy was born in the Caribbean island of Martinique but spent his childhood in St Barth and has the fondest memories and incredible stories to tell! 


His paintings are based mostly of his memories of the paradisiac islands of the Caribbean. Rémy's oil painting represented this year in the Salon des Artistes, is of Juliette from the French island where Rémy was born, Martinique. Juliette is portrayed as a strong, confident, fashionable, Caribbean woman in a strikingly colourful pose.


Rémy could be an excellent contestant for the Plastic Arts winning category.

Viewers admiring Rémy de Haenen's Juliette de Martinique, 2022, Oil on canvas (39.37 x 39.37 in / 100 x 100 cm)

Rémy de Haenen Juliette de Martinique, 2022, Oil on canvas (39.37 x 39.37 in / 100 x 100 cm)

Rémy de Haenen Juliette de Martinique, 2022, Oil on canvas (39.37 x 39.37 in / 100 x 100 cm)

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum with photography work by Gilles Bensimon and painting by Rémy de Haenen 

Gilles Bensimon Flowers in Water #6044, 2012, Limited edition photograph (31.50 x 40.85 in / 80 x 103.75 cm)

Gilles Bensimon, the famous French Art Director of Elle Magazine has various passions, being St Barth one of them as he has frequently been on island for the last decades. Beside his passion for our magical island, photography, swimming and flowers are his other passions. 


In his series "Flowers in Water", Bensimon joins his passions: during his daily swimming rituals, he tosses bouquets  of flowers into the water and captures the moment the flowers bloom instantly and relive while they are submerged in water, creating a delightfully colourful and abstract artwork. One can only be mesmerised by the captured beauty. This photograph is part of a limited edition, available in 3 sizes.


Bensimon is a great candidate for the Photography category.

Gilles Bensimon Flowers in Water #6044, 2012, Limited edition photograph (31.50 x 40.85 in / 80 x 103.75 cm)

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum with photography work by Isabelle Lindbergh and Gilles Bensimon

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum with photography work by Isabelle Lindbergh and Gilles Bensimon

Isabelle Lindbergh Freedom, 2022, Limited edition black & white Piezography print photography (39.37 x 59.06 in / 100 x 150 cm)

Isabelle Lindbergh is a French photographer and pilot, inspired by her grandfather, the infamous Charles Lindbergh (an American aviator and military officer who made the first nonstop flight from New York City to Paris, a distance of 3,600 miles, flying alone for 33.5 hours).  Isabelle's second home is definitely St Barth. She had her first solo exhibition at Space Gallery in March 2023 with her "Spirit of the Wind" series. 


At this year's edition of Salon des Artistes, Isabelle presents Freedom, from her "Spirit of the Wind" Series. The photo was taken in Saline, St Barth and represents the force and connection of the female figure, nature and a magnificent silver sheath that captures the invisible wind to make it visible. A powerful and inspiring piece to have in any home. This photograph is a limited edition available in 3 different sizes.


Isabelle could be an extremely competitive candidate for the Photography prize criteria of this year's edition of the Salon des Artistes.

Isabelle Lindbergh Freedom, 2022, Limited edition black & white Piezography print photography (39.37 x 59.06 in / 100 x 150 cm)

Isabelle Lindbergh Freedom, 2022, Limited edition black & white Piezography print photography (39.37 x 59.06 in / 100 x 150 cm)

Isabelle Lindbergh Freedom, 2022, Limited edition black & white Piezography print photography (39.37 x 59.06 in / 100 x 150 cm)

Isabelle Lindbergh Freedom, 2022, Limited edition black & white Piezography print photography (39.37 x 59.06 in / 100 x 150 cm)

General view of the Salon des Artistes de Saint Barth 2024 at the Wall House Museum with photography work by Isabelle Lindbergh, Gilles Bensimon and Rémy de Haenen

Inspired by the French Salon des Artistes which began in the 19th century in Paris, the object of this event in St Barth proposed by the Wall House Museum is both simple and popular. It's to bring people together, make culture accessible to all and invite especially the younger generation to view the pieces and inspire them to do great things in future.


Which one of our artists would you vote for?




The 3ème édition du Salon des Artistes de Saint Barthélemy will be in exhibition at the Wall House Museum, in Gustavia St Barth, from 

June 14th to July 20th 2024.



For more information on any of Space Gallery St Barth Artists' represented at the Salon des Artistes de St Barth feel free to contact info@spacestbarth.com



Opening Hours of the Saint Barthélemy Wall House Territorial Museum (le Musée Territorial du Wall House):


View other related articles:

Le Salon des artistes dévoile ses lauréats (version française)


Publié par Le Journal de Saint-Barth
Journal N° 1578 page 5 du 08 août 2024


Pendant un mois et demi, du 14 juin au 27 juillet, le musée territorial du Wall House a organisé la troisième édition de son Salon des artistes. Une exposition des plus particulières inspirée du Salon des artistes français créé à Paris à la fin du XIXe siècle. Le principe de cet événement, transposé à Saint-Barthélemy, est d’inviter les créateurs de l’île à exposer une de leurs œuvres au musée. Qu’il s’agisse d’une peinture, d’une photographie, d’un dessin (De toute forme d’art graphique, en réalité) ou encore d’une sculpture. Quelques jours après la clôture du Salon, le verdict des urnes a été rendu par la direction du Wall House. Car, autre particularité du Salon, ce sont les visiteurs qui désignent, par un vote, les œuvres qui leur semble être les plus remarquables, dans les trois catégories.


Cette année, les lauréats sont les suivants. Pour les arts graphiques, il s’agit de la création intitulée « Make art not war » de Saize qui a été préférée du public. En photographie, c’est Laurie Pottecher qui l’emporte avec son cliché intitulé « L’Arawak ». Elle gagne pour la deuxième année consécutive. Enfin, éternel lauréat dans la catégorie « sculpture », Dvis Dformes avec une œuvre de circonstances au beau milieu des Jeux Olympiques, « Le big coq français ». L’artiste reçoit la gratification du public pour la troisième fois en autant de Salons.


Cette année, 47 artistes ont pris part à l’événement. Un nombre de participants légèrement inférieur à celui de l’an dernier. Les visiteurs ayant exprimé leurs préférences par un vote ont été au nombre de 305. Il ne reste plus désormais aux artistes de l’île qu’à préparer la quatrième édition du Salon. En espérant que la perspective d’exposer l’objet de son esprit créatif saura, encore en 2025, stimuler l’imagination des résidents de Saint-Barth amateurs d’art, du plus pur classicisme à la plus extravagante originalité.



Le Salon des artistes attend ses votants (version française)


Publié par Le Journal de Saint-Barth
Journal N° 1572 page 4 du 20 Juin 2024


La population de Saint-Barth n’est pas attendue uniquement dans les bureaux de votes pour les élections législatives du 29 juin et du 6 juillet. Elle est aussi espérée dans les allées du Salon des artistes pour élire les œuvres qui seront récompensées à la clôture de l’exposition, le 20 juillet. En effet, le Salon repose en partie sur la participation des visiteurs. Car ce sont eux, par leur vote, qui désigneront les artistes de l’île dont l’œuvre a été la plus marquante de la troisième édition de la manifestation. Le Salon a été inauguré le vendredi 14 juin au musée territorial du Wall House. En présence du président de la Collectivité, Xavier Lédée, et de la deuxième vice-présidente, Bettina Cointre. Pour sa troisième levée, l’événement expose des œuvres réalisées par 46 artistes de Saint-Barthélemy. Celles-ci sont réparties en trois catégories : les arts graphiques, la sculpture et la photographie. Lors de leur visite, les votants peuvent ainsi désigner l’œuvre qui les touche le plus dans les trois disciplines. Les horaires d’ouverture sont les suivants : les mardis de 14 à 19 heures, les mercredis, jeudis, vendredis et samedis de 9 à 12 heures puis de 14 à 19 heures. Fermeture le dimanche et le lundi.



Le Salon des artistes s’ouvre au Wall House (version française)


Publié par Le Journal de Saint-Barth
Journal N°1571 page 6 du 14 Juin 2024


Voilà deux ans naissait le Salon des artistes de Saint Barthélemy. Un événement qui a séduit des dizaines de créateurs de l’île lors de ses deux premières éditions. Par conséquent, pour cette troisième levée, le directeur du musée territorial du Wall House et initiateur du Salon, Charles Moreau, espère que l’effet séduction sera encore au rendez vous. Ce soir, vendredi 14 juin, a lieu au musée le vernissage du Salon à partir de 19 heures. Jusqu’au 20 juillet, le Wall House va accueillir plus d’une quarantaine d’artistes de l’île. Amateurs ou professionnels, tous présentent une œuvre de leur choix dans l’une des trois catégories présentes au Salon : art graphique, sculpture ou photographie. L’année dernière, plusieurs centaines de visiteurs ont franchi les portes du musée afin de déambuler dans les allées du Salon pour y admirer les pièces exposées. Inspiré du Salon des artistes français créé en 1880 à Paris, le principe de l’événement proposé par le musée du Wall House se veut à la fois simple et populaire. Charles Moreau résume : « Il s’agit de donner à tous les artistes de l’île, professionnels ou amateurs, une opportunité de présenter leurs travaux au public. Il n’y a pas de thème imposé, ce qui leur permet de choisir leur œuvre. Le Salon peut leur permettre de se faire connaître et, potentiellement, de trouver des clients. » Il s’agit également d’un événement unique pour le public puisqu’il offre un accès à l’art en général et, plus précisément, à la créativité locale.





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